The idea of completion

How often do we see the end of things? 
Do we have the time and patience to see the end of it?

In this fast chaotic life that we are living today, we never pause to take a look back at our own lives. What things we have lost in the pursuit of meaningless desires!! When we do look back, we realize that all this race was in vain...

Whether it is the gratification to near the end of a task or relief, the idea of completion has its own magic. There is nothing more comforting in life to see that your labor of love has been completed.

Let me give you an example...

Do you remember the Kashmir book that I was working on since January? Yes, you read it correct, since January. Well, finally I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
A 10-day trip took me more than 11 months to write about. But I have myself to blame (or should I say to my habit of perennial procrastination) The book is nearing completion. There are only 4 more chapters to go followed by the Epilogue.

Boy!! Oh Boy!!

I will say honestly that writing is no easy task. The sinking feeling of staring at a blank page, knowing what to write, is truly dreadful. Trust me, I know. Initially, I struggled to write the first few sentences. But once I got that down, words began to flow like water!!

That is the magic of writing!! You can let yourself go! It is like a train, bound for an unknown destination, knowing very well that the journey's end is going to be wonderful.

And that is the thing about endings..

It is not the end of a particular thing that excites us. On the contrary, it makes us sad. The time spent, the memories, the thoughts- you are attached to them, it wrenches your gut...

 Then, why do we rejoice at the end of a thing?

The answer is simply beautiful...

The end of a thing is always associated with the start of something new...

As the year is about to end in the coming few days, I am hoping that I am able to rise from the ashes and start things anew...


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