Let's talk about HIV

A couple of days back, I shared a picture with my followers on an Instagram story and WhatsApp status with a question. It was a picture of a smiling couple, accompanied with the following question: One of them is HIV positive. Guess who? A lot of people did answer the question. Initially, the votes received were higher for the man, while later the voters started to choose the smiling woman. I posted a follow-up question, asking the voters the reason for their choices. Here are some of the answers I got: “I feel it was the guy. He looked quite weak and frail.” “The guy looks kinda sick, some muscle wasting signs on his face” “None of them. We cannot go by appearances and it is wrong for us to think badly about someone.” “He looks weak.” “I feel it is the girl” “It’s her. But I want to say it’s him.” ...